Champion Schools San Tan Valley
Many of the qualities needed for success academically are supported by a set of skills and behaviors gained in sports training and competition. Fundamental physical skills development training at an early age is a huge benefit to future athletic performance.
Champion Schools uses specific methods designed by occupational therapists and professional athletic trainers to build the motor skills necessary to become an academic and athletic performer.
Commitment to practicing and competing go hand in hand, to guarantee results. Champion Schools make athletic training an integral part of a longer school day.
Champion Schools levels the playing field giving ALL students an academic and athletic advantage regardless of their background.
Winning Habits
Champion Schools builds a strong culture that supports students in making significant academic gains and excelling in athletics: an unbeatable formula for success.
- January 28th 2025January 29, 2025 - 3:38 am
NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD OF FIT KIDS, INC. *This agenda was posted on on January 28, 2025 Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) § 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of Fit Kids, Inc. and to the general public that the Governing Board will hold a meeting, […]
- December 5th 2024December 4, 2024 - 12:00 am
NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD OF FIT KIDS, INC. *This agenda was posted on on December 4, 2024 Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) § 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of Fit Kids, Inc. and to the general public that the Governing Board will hold a meeting, […]
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Champion Schools San Tan Valley
1846 E. Bella Vista Rd.
San Tan Valley, AZ 85143
Phone: (480) 765-2223
Fax: (480) 999-5650